joi, 18 august 2011


Ma tot gandeam daca izbesc un link la o mini serie de curand ajunsa si pe torrent-urile mioritice insa degetele-mi sunt mult prea lenese, capul greoi si difuz, trupul cere somn si pauze covarsitor de dese...asa ca m-am hotarat sa expun ceva mult mai trivial si simplistic  :-) ... "Ca pentru noi, numai fetele"----- da un click aici.


Click Source

miercuri, 3 august 2011

Relaxing weeks thow..

Thow it seems that you are far away, thow I miss drinking coffee with you every day, thow the Art Museum park is empty and our favourite high class vagabonds are wondering where you are, thow is light and sunny warm, i still hope to feel your sweet and tight hugs from time to time...