luni, 29 iulie 2013

Diy Inspiration

     For sometime I wanted to make a tutorial but somehow I didn't have enough time to prepare or my inspiration mood wasn't there when I need it. But last Friday, while I was reorganizing my study desk I thought to myself that this empty wall in front of my desk surely needs a picture or a print...I remembered that I have some old frames that could fill up this empty space. I took some paint(I've chosen white paint but you can go buy any color you like or to make it easier and less messy try it with paint sprayer) and give it a new look to my frame.
   Here is step by step tutorial. You will need :
- old frames
- wood paint/ paint sprayer
- brush paint
     Step 1 : Remove original photos or prints and cut the hanging wires that may show when hung and prepare them for paint

Step 2 : Paint 1 coat of white paint and let it dry for a while

It may take sometime :)

Step 3 :  Paint another coat and let it dry overnight then you can add picture hooks to the back of the frame for hanging. Be sure they are in the middle :)

Step 4 : Hung them on the wall or you can add some pictures.
   I'm plannig to put a few more and start a wall gallery soon. But for now I'm thinking to paint my wall in white just to give it a nice touch and effect.
   That's it for now. Hope to come back with more tutorials 'cause these days I think I've been hit by the moon :))
   For more tutorials you can go to Pinterest or Tumblr

miercuri, 3 iulie 2013

Vintage in my eyes

Rochie din brocart ivoire anii' 50
Sursa : VintageWardrobe

      Incercarea disperata de a gasi un subiect demn de postat, a esuat..."Thoughts don't come went you need them".Asa ca mi-am aprins o tigara, trecand pe langa tv am tras cu ochiul la cateva headlines-uri ..."Ne pregatim sa sarbatorim 4 iulie,nu in America, ci aici la Bucuresti,ne anunta Ponta, Egiptul in punctul de a porni un razboi civil,Nelson Mandela in stare critica."Pana aici nimic ce ar putea sa ma ajute...
   Am ezitat pret de cateva minute daca sa reimprospatez lista de bloguri cu haine vintage, lucru care a mai fost postat si de alte site-uri sau publicatii de fashion dar m-am gandit "what the hell?", in ultimul timp chiar am facut rasfoit pagini intregi cu hainute diafane,am deschis cufere pline cu minunatii, am trecut in revista pantofi , rochite retro, sacouri si accesorii unicat la preturi incredibil de mici si as putea sa le impartasesc aici. Este imposibil sa nu te uite Dumnezeu in fata monitorului cand ti se dezvaluie o astfel de lume :)

   Am facut un  research si o triere si  iata cateva bloguri romanesti de unde iti poti achizitiona produse vintage. Stocul este reinnoit in permanenta .Sigur vei gasi ceva pe gustul tau.
Spor la cumparaturi!

Vintage Wardrobe
Le fabuleux magasin de Mireille

Lady Vintage

The New Wardrobe

True Vintage

Genti vintage

I Am Vintage

Irina Balerina

Mary's Vintage Boutique

Mansarda victoriana

Sipetul din odaie

Les Brocantes